Topic: "How to Sting the Polygraph" Update
polyops Member
posted 10-24-2004 11:53 AM
According to Doug Williams' website (, he released a new version of his "manual" on 9/24/2004. If anyone has a copy and could forward it to Ralph for inclusion on the countermeasures page, that would be great.Another thing I noticed is that Williams has highlighted almost every other word on his website with a variety of colors. Kind of like a kid playing with crayons... 8) ------------------ It's a thankless job, but somebody's gotta do it. IP: Logged |
detector Administrator
posted 10-25-2004 09:54 AM
Yes, please do send it. I have spent over $100 on Williams's manuals, I refuse to waste another penny  Ralph IP: Logged |
sackett Moderator
posted 10-25-2004 05:29 PM
I believe he copyright's the book. So, anyone who were to "pass it along" would be opening themselves up for a lawsuit on a copyright violation. More especially, cannon fodder for the propaganda machine... However, I, like George M., believe one should certainly protect oneself from any "abusive" system. So, I assume, not that I am a lawyer, or that I dispensing any legal advice or even that I am endorsing anyone to violate any law of the United States or subordinate jurisdiction, thereof, that if something did make it's way onto an open site (anonymously), I suppose there would be some who might benefit, in some form or fashion, from this type of inappropriate and possibly illegal action. But, I'm not sure about any of this. Besides, this is a kind of chat room, right? Just my thoughts on the matter... Jim
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polyops Member
posted 10-26-2004 09:29 PM
Jim,The countermeasure reading room is a private, password protected page that is only available to examiners. The general public can't access it and shouldn't even know it's there. ------------------ It's a thankless job, but somebody's gotta do it. IP: Logged |
sackett Moderator
posted 10-27-2004 06:30 AM
PolyOpsI understand that, but unless it is purchased by and for the "library" use, it is still a copyright violation. I wouldn't want to see Ralph in litigation because one of "us guys" left the computer open and one of "those guys" found it and reported it to Williams. Of course, if it were obtained from an unknown/anonymous source and sent to me/us in unsolicited e-mail without the ability to trace it; oh well...? Take care, Jim IP: Logged |
polyops Member
posted 10-27-2004 06:40 AM
Jim, unless you share an office with Georgie, there is no way you can "leave the computer open" in such a way that the antis would see it. :-)Have you seen the countermeasure reading room? Ralph made it very secure. You need a user id and password to get to it, and this information is not publicly available. It already contains an earlier version of Dougie's "manual" So the way its posted,its not like its on-line for just anyone to download. I don't think there's a problem worth worrying about here. ------------------ It's a thankless job, but somebody's gotta do it. IP: Logged |
sackett Moderator
posted 10-27-2004 11:01 AM
PolyOps,I understand your intent, but I was not thinking about electronically accessing the board from the outside. I was thinking about the 120 plus members we have, who all have their passwords written down (somewhere, probably findable by anyone nosey enough to look) and is accessable to those who might not be on "our" team. Also, once on the board, won't we download it? Will there be any security then? Is there something that indicates on the dowloaded/printed document that reflects it comes from the closed site? I don't know. But if so, I refer back to my original post. I don't want Ralph, or this site sued and closed because of failed OPSEC. Jim Remember: "3 can keep a secret if 2 are dead..." P.S. I may sound a little paranoid, but as you know, not everyone around us, likes us. I have a PO association that officially endorses TLBTLD, to their officers/members.
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polyops Member
posted 10-27-2004 11:27 AM
Jim,I think you're a wee bit too paranoid :-) The countermeasure reading room has been up for a long time now, with copies of earlier versions of the Williams pamphlet available. It's just a PDF file. You download it, can print it out, there's nothing that links it to this site. You're probably thinking of some web pages, that when you print them, it has the URL at the top or bottom. But PDF files aren't like that.
------------------ It's a thankless job, but somebody's gotta do it. IP: Logged |
Eric Fiander Member
posted 10-27-2004 12:03 PM
I've only been a member for a couple of weeks. Where do I find the countermeasures reading room? Thanks
------------------ Eric Fiander Atlantic Police Academy Prince Edward Island, Canada
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detector Administrator
posted 10-27-2004 02:14 PM
To answer Eric First...the countermeasure reading room is located at The user pass is: user: counter pass: manuals However, they are currently so secure I can't even get into them...meaning I'm having some difficulties with this directory on my new server...but i"ll get that solved soon. Now to the other issues. I have in my life purchased two copies of the sting manual so I have no problem with simply having an updated copy of it here...and technically I'm not distributing the manual or sending it to anyone, I'm just posting it on my site. If Williams was really concerned about this he would not have made a pdf...or at the least would have secured the pdf so it cannot be 'saved and opened' by someone else. As for someone snooping our own personal computers...that is technically possible, but highly unlikely without lots of money to pay for a high priced hacker. I don't even think George is that motivated. I guess what I'm really saying is that I've considered the cost and the fact is you can get sued for anything regardless of how careful you are so I'm okay with posting the material here for viewing...but I'm NOT telling you to download it and pass it around  ------------------ Ralph Hilliard PolygraphPlace Owner & Operator
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posted 11-09-2004 10:13 AM
Doug must be a busy man. His site now claims that he updated his manual yesterday, Nov 8th! Given previous updates, it's hard to justify the expenditure. His information on methodology is dated and his advice is so out of line that examiners can only hope that any examinee contemplating CMs, reads and implements his suggestions in an examination.IP: Logged | |